Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Let's Get Serious Hype!

Word is Lewes' scene vid from the fingers of Drew Marsden is dropping in a month or so. We'll see you at the premiere, but in the mean time check out these offcuts set to some gangsta shizz

You all shouldve seen the two trailers by now, but if not then sort it out and go here

Sunday, 23 November 2008

New vids a-comin'!

Incase you missed them, trailers for 2 new videos coming out of the goon have been knocking around. Whether the vids themselves ever come out, only time will tell

Firstly, Micheal 'Ginge' Whitcombe's production, 'Let's Go Street'

Also, Patch Sullivan's xoxoxoxox aka 'Noughts and Crosses'

On a related note check out the 6th instalment of tribal tuesdays, featuring offcuts from the video

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Pointless Feature Addition

So now, as if you'd ever want to, you can use the box to your right to write some shit for us all to see. Tell us something interesting, give some abuse, share a link, relative or not, or let people know of something you think we might want to know about. If we think it's worthy it may even end up on the main site. Any spam, abuse thats not funny, or anything generally lame will be deleted. Have fun

Random Fact - As of Wednesday, Filming for Wet Sussex has officially been going for 2 years. Keep your eye out for a feature on it appearing somewhere soon. You might even see a second promo

Monday, 17 November 2008

Just so you know

We haven't forgotten about this site, its just, well, not alot is going on - winter and all that. Apparently Gav downloaded the Sex and the city movie. No word on whether it was any good or not yet

or whether he fapped to it

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Just Incase You Hadn't Heard....

Local boy Finn Casey-Knight made it into this years top 5 finalists for DVS's Hook Me Up competition. You've only got a few days left to vote for who you think should win (which is entirely up to you by the way ;) ), so if you havent already, sort it out and vote!

You Should Be Dancin'

Check out this video of Smith, Casey and Nathan Cowface dancing like bellends. Learn the moves, and go make fun of them

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Manny Mania Final!

For those who hadnt heard, I got a call from Andy Evans a couple of days before last Saturdays final of the red bull event up in London looking for a way to get hold of Will G. Turned out that because of Brady's duties on the Matix Tour that Will had got through to the final for coming next behind the 4 qualifiers.
So a bunch of us headed up to LDN to skate the ridiculously slippery floor, witness some ridiculously amazing skating and consume some ridiculously dangerous amounts of red bull. Check out Andy's edits below, and look out for Will, Liam and Matt Chard who are in there somewhere

Part 1

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Part 2

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