Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Midweek Manouvers

As promised, a long overdue instalment of the Windmill Wednesday series. I was donated a load of footage by Ginge this time so made a bumper edition. Featuring just about everyone, and a few places outside the Goon.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Keep up mate FFS

Sorry, haven't been around to keep up to date with the happenings lately. Basically, LADS 3 was fucking rad, buy that shit when it's available, it'l be known on here when it is.

And I'm sure you've already seen both of these, but it would be rude not to put them up...

Will Greenfield's first full length iPhone production, featuring parts from all the usuals; the best bits of all the previous crap and a bunch of new unseen stuff

And the long awaited amazing fourth installment of Drew Marsden's Elle Est Tombre series. Compulsory viewing

Oh yeah, and tomorrow's Wednesday *hint hint*, so check back for some new material...

Monday, 18 April 2011

Fuck Yeah

If anyone wants me I'll be in the Bahamas

Monday, 11 April 2011

Premiers to come

If you don't enjoy a good video premier, you're a nonce. So I expect to see you at at least one of these. Bit late notice and I'm pretty sure you've already heard about them but in case you forgot...

The new Real video 'Since Day One' is premiering this Thursday the 14th at Riki Tiks, Brighton. Doors are at 8pm. This is a FREE event, but for 18+ only unfortunately.

BUT the following Tuesday, the 19th, The vid will be showing again to people of all ages at BYC, along with the first ever showing of the long awaited Brighton production LADS 3 by Sirus. This is also FREE, and starts at 7.30.

To pimp his vid out one last time, Sirus has shared this lovely 10 minus 2 tricks of Rupert Antoine at Uckfield

See you there!!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Yes Yes Yes


No disappointment, filmed and edited by Ginge. Featuring plenty local faces. Enjoy. Subscribe to Ginge's new channel.

Friday, 1 April 2011


This is fucking ridiculous. Had a brief meet with Ricardo yesterday again, and amongst a few event plans which will be posted up soon, he mentioned another which he'd just gotten wind of.
Apparently, Brighton Council have just secured the rights to the use of the Goon over the whole of the Easter weekend, and will be cordoning off the park for a four day long Scooter event from Friday 22nd to Monday 25th of April. Apparently there will be no access for any non-scooter riders, and be four days of jams, lessons and a demo from the UK Razor team, amongst other shit. Supposedly there was some info about it on the Razor site but I can't find it. If anyone does please send it over. This is the stupidest idea I've ever seen. Closing off the park over the long weekend just cannot work. This is just another step to us being taken over by these stupid little rat kids. I'm expecting an email with more detail over the next few days and will post up as soon as I get it, so check back soon.